Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where I would like to go one summer

I would like to go to either water world or disneyowrld.I would like to go to water world because then I could live in the water like I usually do. Iwould like to go to Disneyworld because then i could go to the ocean and have fun. I would love to do that. These are some things I would like to do.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer is Here

Over the summer I am going to be really busy so I'll tell you a few things I am doing. First of all I am going to be out of school in a day and a half. Then a few weeks later I am going to a wedding in Wisconsin for my cousin. After that I am going to Michigan to see my family and go camping. When I get back I am going to my church camp and it is going to be amazing. My grandma is also coming home with us. I am so happy. Have a great summer!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Exploding Planet

In this project I started with a file of a pic. of dirt. Then I did a bunch of twisting and turning. Finally I made it purple.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feild Trip!

If I could take a Field trip with my class I would like to go to my grandma's rec. center's pool. The rec. center pool has a big red twirly slide and a really big staircase called Jacob's Ladder. There are other features such as
  • A hot tub with a waterfall
  • A big pool with a basketball hoop, floaty things and a diving board
  • A whirl pool

and a pool with logs that you have to balance on .

If I was to take a field trip with my class I would go here. Where would you go?