Monday, April 12, 2010

Would You Rather?

Would you rather be someone who is short who's last name was short or be over weight who's last name is skinny?

I say I would rather be short who's last name was short because then I would not be made fun of at school and other places.

Would you rather ride in a tight crate for a 13 hour plane trip or ride in the back of a truck with cows for a two day trek?

I say I would rather ride in the back of a truck for a two day trek because I am claustrophobic. I would die in a tight crate because of the lack of air.

Would You rather wear a bike helmet around everywhere you go or carry an open umbrella everywhere you go?

I would rather carry an umbrella because if it is sunny it would give you shade and if it was rainy you would not get wet. Umbrellas are just awesome.

What would you rather do?

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